Cyberoam Application Layer 7 Management


Organizations rely on a multitude of web-based applications to meet their collaboration and productivity goals. The emergence of Cloud-based business applications such as Salesforce, Google Docs and Sharepoint, with a simultaneous growth in social media business tools like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook has escalated bandwidth costs in an attempt to make these applications available to organizational users.

Access to recreational applications like iTunes, chat, P2P, gaming sites and BitTorrent by employees leads to bandwidth abuse, loss of productivity and malware entry,. Traditional firewalls that focus on blocking harmful traffic are at a major loss as they fail to provide visibility and policy-based controls over these web applications.

Cyberoam Application Layer 7 Management

Cyberoam Application Layer 7 Management delivers tight granular access to the ever-growing number of web applications (and the Cloud), by rendering full visibility and control into the Application Layer 7, and the user Layer 8. Cyberoam prioritizes availability of these applications based on bandwidth and time and applies organization-wide access policies for individual users.

Cyberoam’s Application Layer 7 Management helps organizations derive optimal benefits of web applications to drive their productivity goals, greatly mitigating risks carried by these applications. It assures availability of business-critical applications by controlling bandwidth for a combination of source, destination and service/service group.

An organization-wide classification of applications into White (Business-critical), Black (non-productive, recreational) and Grey (intermediate) categories, enables IT Managers to create a highly optimized set of firewall rules that meet the desired QoS requirements of application access, and help make the workplace more efficient.

Time-based Application Access Controls

Cyberoam’s Application Layer 7 Management offers ability to restrict availability of applications by limiting their access to certain time periods during the day. This takes care of bandwidth-choking by use of grey applications such as P2P and file sharing tools, Youtube, Facebook and others.

User Hierarchy-based Application Access Controls

Cyberoam’s Application Layer 7 Management helps organizations establish bandwidth rules that ensure priority based on users, web category, groups and applications with precise bandwidth allocation based on users’ access privileges. For example, senior management group or the sales team can be given smooth access to business critical applications like CRM and VOIP.